With NexOpt, we want to contribute to a sustainable economy. We provide the best quality to our customers and ensure minimum impact on the environment thanks to a series of green initiatives.
Recycling and upcycling
Reducing plastic production is a priority, so we only use recycled plastic for our electronic housing instead of single use plastic material. All unusable plastic parts are brought to a processing center and purchased back as granulated plastic.
Upcycling is also a big part of waster reduction process. We use vegetable storage boxes as trailer to transport and ship goods, savings thousands of individual packing boxes. Our server banks are purchased second-hand and refurbished to give them a second-life. To store additional solar power, we are also utilizing batteries from electric vehicles.
Energy efficient office
Our headquarters, located near Linz, Austria, was awarded "Best Architecture of the Year 2017" by the WKO (Austrian Economic Chamber). It combines a forward-thinking and functional design, and was built to meet the highest energy standards.
The temperature is regulated automatically by a geothermal system and smart shutters. The expansive roof is covered with solar panels, providing pure energy to the building and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Water waste is also limited by the use of automatic sensor water taps in all restrooms.
Pro-environmental behavior
By manufacturing everything in-house, we reduce the need for shipping goods in from third-party suppliers and reduce our overall CO2 emissions. We also use a fleet of e-vehicles and currently own Smart and Tesla cars.
We also encourage green behavior among our employees. We facilitate waste separation in dedicated bins, communicate mostly via digital channels to minimize the need for printed material, and turn off computers at the end of the working day to save on electric consumption.